Father's Day:
-Woke up to pain that actually made me deaf in my left ear. I either pulled a muscle or moved a disk. All I know is that my head won't turn left.
-Grumpy for reasons unmentionable
-Sad b/c I miss my dad terribly and wishing that I could still celebrate this day with him.
-Proud of myself for suprising my husband with a trip that he LOVED with the kids.
-Annoyed that I got a speeding ticket for going 60 in a 55. Must be the end of the month =P
-Happy that my step-dad enjoyed his father's day gift
-Heart-broken to see my cat dieing. Poor guy couldn't even lift his head....18 years was a good run though.
So Father's Day wasn't the best we've ever had.
My dearly departed----

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