Here's my new fridge:
Two problems: 1. I didn't have a water hook-up for the water and ice dispensers , but I installed the plumbing ALL BY MYSELF!!! 2. The outlet is on the side of this "fridge cubby" in my walls. The cords get in the way of moving this all the way back, so now it's sticking halfway out into my kitchen. My step dad is re-wiring that this Sunday, THANK GOODNESS!
But it wasn't easy going to get this fridge. I had to learn a very useful Craigslist lesson. Don't buy anything electrical if it's far away! I asked this guy 5,000 times if the fridge I was purchasing worked well. He assured me that it did. I get there, it doesn't work. I'm so pissed that he says he'll give it to me for free. My brain fogged over with the word free.
Did anyone else know that it costs money to drain the freon in order for a fridge to go to the dump? I forgot =P So now I'm paying $30 for a fridge that I got swindled into taking:
And you all saw my Yooper fridge. It's still hanging out on my back deck waiting to be delivered to my in-laws' house. Their garage fridge tanked on them.
So with the two fridges that I'm getting rid of, my new fridge, plus my garage (beer) fridge, there are FOUR fridges here! It's looking pretty white trash around
Anyways, so with that headache done, I finally got my new washer. I'm so excited because my laundry is piled to the rafters.
We run the first load......and OF COURSE my pipes are clogged. Luckily, my mom has a crazy heavy duty snake, so she's coming to snake out my drains tonight.
Do you ever have one of those days (or 2 weeks....) where it seems nothing can come easily? Or go right?
Stick around for some awesome things I have brewing.
I bet if you look in your local newspaper, there is someone looking to pick up things for scrap iron. Call them and they will come take it away, free of charge.
ReplyDeleteDid you look into the recyling center on 180? Maybe they'll take it...and pay you for it??
ReplyDeleteIt looks like your new fridge is the same as my new fridge...close anyway. And I STILL haven't hooked up my water...and I've had mine for a couple months! LOL!
The recycling center won't take it unless the freon is already drained.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about posting an ad on Craigslist for a free fridge, but I want it out of my driveway ASAP.
I think I'm going to strip it of it's extra parts first, though, just in case something goes bad on mine. hehe