Monday, March 28, 2011

Handmade Jewelry

I know most my readers have a passion for antique and/or handmade.

Are you looking for a unique piece of jewelry?

Check out the things that my friend Beth makes:

Image of Double Poppy Pendant no.1 (0216)

These are just my favorites.
There are a lot more to see on any one of her sites.
Owl Jewelry - Dew Drop Starry Eyed Tall Owl - Sterling Silver

You can find these on her web page, her etsy shop, or her Facebook page.

Mixed Metal Jewelry
Can't afford to buy something now but love her work?
Just "fan" her on Facebook, so you can find her in the future!

Sterling Silver Necklace - Strawberry Lover Pendant
Got your taxes back and looking for a way to spend it?
Support this local artist and old high school friend of mine by buying some beautiful handmade jewelry.
She has many items with a large range of prices!

Mixed Metal Necklace - The Feast Necklace
Beth's goal is to get over 1000 fans on her Facebook profile, so even if you don't want to buy something, I would love for my readers to show her some support!

Copper Jewelry - Perched Love Bird Pendant

This is the new object of my affection:
Image of 100% Goes to Japan Cherry Blossom Earrings

100% of the proceeds from these cherry blossom earrings will go to the relief in Japan. These weren't on the Etsy website at the time of publication, but you can find it on her regular website

What girl doesn't want awesome earrings plus donating to a good cause?
Once I get my taxes back, this will be one of my first purchases!

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