Saturday, March 19, 2011

Forcing Branches

Yesterday, shortly after my Birthday Roses post, I received a comment from one of my lovely readers:

Have you met Courtenay yet? If you haven't, visit Signal Hill Interiors.

So, her comment got me thinking, "Why should we have to wait for lilacs?"

I know that forcing blooms is possible, but I've never read about forcing lilacs.
So I did a little research.

Check out this page at

If you scroll down to the bottom, it actually says that March is the best time to force lilacs indoors!

On Page 3 of that article, it will give you step-by-step basics to forcing branches.

If you're viewing this on a phone (where navigation can be tricky), here's the direct link to the tutorial:

I'm (hopefully) going to be giving this a try.

If anyone successfully forces their lilac branches, send me a picture of them in their full glory!
Just click the link "Contact Me" at the top of this page and attach a photo!

Happy bloom forcing everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that's me! Thanks for the mention, Britt! I'm getting tempted to cut some branches off of my tiny little trees anyway... Happy first day of Spring!
